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Showing 11 of 11 Scholarships Results

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portrait of Betty Gilmour

Hi, I’m Betty!
Easily apply for any of our grants in one place!

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Candid’s Foundation Directory Available to Local Nonprofits

FCFP holds a subscription to Foundation Directory by Candid. Candid’s Foundation Directory is a searchable database that provides unsurpassed levels of comprehensive and accurate information on 299,000+ U.S. and International Grantmakers and their grants.

Candid’s Foundation Directory delivers quality funding prospects. Since 90% of U.S. foundations do not have websites, the insights you need to find funders will not be discovered via standard search engines. You need up-to-date, in-depth information to reach the philanthropists that want to support your mission.

You can search based on subject, geography, Grantmaker type, type of support, trustee names, and many other search fields.

Qualified 501(c) nonprofits may use Candid’s Foundation Directory for free. Email Lorna Zajack to make an appointment.

2024 Grant Opportunity Workshop

FCFP recently hosted a virtual workshop to announce the 2024 grant opportunities for nonprofits that serve the residents of Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Tioga and Union Counties.

To be notified of future grant announcements, contact Betty Gilmour at BettyG@fcfpartnership.org.

The link below will provide you with the PowerPoint Slides from the Grant Opportunity Workshop in January 2024.