Interested in making a donation today or creating an endowment for tomorrow? Supporting young scholars or advancing the arts? Together, we can put generosity into action.

Planning to give

Define Your Legacy


Let’s dream a little

We specialize in turning donor passions into custom giving plans—and we partner with families and organizations of all budgets and backgrounds. Establish an endowment, create a scholarship, write FCFP into your will, and more.

Establish A Fund

Professional Advisors

We’re in your corner

If you’re an attorney, CPA, or financial advisor, we offer our specialty (free of charge) to help you serve your clients better. Let’s talk about how charitable giving can enhance your clients’ financial, retirement, and legacy plans.

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illustration of community members helping and mentoring each other

Join other generous folks

Each of our recognition societies honors individuals, families, and organizations for reaching various giving milestones.