FCFP is North Central PA’s most established vehicle for local charitable giving. Our mission is a big one, and our work can seem complex. But ultimately, it comes down to inspiring community giving and investing in community good.

Take a closer look at

What We Do

illustration of diverse group of people helping and giving gifts to each other.

To Inspire Community Giving —

We partner with philanthropists.

A lot of folks in our community want to give, and yet they don’t know where to start—or how to make it meaningful. Our team works with donors to learn their passions, know their goals, and devise a plan that brings fulfillment.

We manage donor-driven funds.

Financial stewardship is our heritage and our practice. We’ve specialized in charitable giving for more than a century, and we manage more than $100 million in assets. Our stable return grows the money for the next generation.

To Invest in Community Good —

We propel nonprofit work.

Every year, our funds yield millions in grant opportunities for local nonprofits. Our grantees put this money to work on the community frontlines, working to improve quality of life across our region.

We’re proud to say in 2023, we granted $5.8 million to 441 nonprofits.

We increase access to education.

Learning is a tool for lasting change, and we bring the opportunity to more of our young people. Our scholarship program, powered by donor-driven scholarship funds, gives the gift of education to over 100 students annually.

We’re also the humble force behind some of the area’s most influential initiatives.

Raise the Region raises vital funds

Our annual online giving campaign, Raise the Region, inspires thousands in our community to give millions in less than two days. The money goes directly to local nonprofits, pouring back into the community through their transformational work.

How We Raise the Region

First Focus casts a clear vision

We wanted a way to put the area’s most pressing needs in the spotlight. Through our First Focus initiative, we call out a single issue for our team and other community advocates to prioritize. Currently on the agenda is systemic racism.

See Our Current First Focus
illustration of north central, PA with trees and a horse rider

Where We Serve

Our love for North Central PA runs deep. And our knowledge of these communities is broad.

While our efforts are focused in Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union Counties, our work reaches into Bradford, Clinton, Columbia, Potter, Sullivan, and Tioga Counties through scholarships, as well as donors and their geographic area funds.