We take cash gifts of any size and put them to work for the community. Through an online donation, you can give to an existing fund, support a special fundraiser, or support FCFP’s operations as a Friend of the Foundation.
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Our assets are divided across 427 different funds—a reflection of the diverse needs and passions of our community. Below, find a sampling of our funds or browse them all. Learn more about creating your own fund.
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Adelina Caporaletti Fund
AIDS Resource Alliance, Inc. Endowment Fund
Albert and Alice Nacinovich Music Scholarship Fund
Albert F. and Edythe B. Hardt Fund
Albert F. Young Fund
Albright Care Services Fund
Alexander Youth Fund
Alfred A. DiCenso and Robert L. Ellison Foundation Fund
Alice M. Snyder Scholarship Fund
Allen R. Stephens Fund
Alma C. Scott Fund
Andrew and Elizabeth Jane Spuler Fund
Anna Belle Smith Fund
Anne L. “Annie” Alexander and Blaise Robert “B R” Alexander Memorial Scholarship Fund
Anthony L. DiSalvo II American Flag Fund
Area Scholastics Scholarship Fund
Arey Family Scholarship Fund
Arlene and Fred Stahl Scholarship
Arlene and James Opp and Howard Opp Scholarship Fund
Arthur and Trina Harrison Scholarship Fund
Arts Council Fund
Athens Area School District EITC Fund
Austin Area School District EITC Fund
Avella Area School District EITC Fund
Barbara S. Bressler Administrative Endowment Fund
Barbara S. Bressler Unrestricted Fund
Baylor Family Fund
Benjamin Franklin Fund for Union County
Benjamin Franklin Fund of the Williamsport-Lycoming Foundation
Bernard and Eva Bredbenner Fund
Berninger Family Fund
Bill and Sis Fish Fund for Hope Enterprises
Blaise Alexander Family Fund for the United Way
Bob and Mary Ann Fleck Fund
Boy Scouts of America Susquehanna Council Sustainability Fund
Bronze Scholarship Fund
C. LaRue Artley Fund
Cade Logue Fund for the Uptown Music Collective
CAG Supporting Momentum Scholarship Fund
Cameron County School District EITC Fund
Campaign for Forever Regional Fund
Campaign for Rider Park Fund
Campus Theatre Fund
Canon-McMillan School District EITC Fund
Canton Area School District EITC Fund
Carl & Lucille Jarrett Scholarship Fund
Carol A. Fry Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carolyn and Joe Hume Administrative Endowment Fund
Carolyn and Joe Hume Fund
Catherine E. Reardon Fund
Celebrate Your Community
Centennial Celebration Fund
Central Bucks School District EITC Fund
Century Fund for All
Century Fund for Human Services
Century Fund for Strong Neighborhoods
Century Fund for the Arts
Century Fund for the Environment
Chad H. Fry Memorial Fund
Charles A. Szybist & Carla G. Szybist Fund
Charles F. Greevy Fund
Charles J. Plankenhorn Fund
Charlotte Louise Falco Fund
Charlotte V. Heimbach Fund
Cheryl L. Nibert Memorial Fund
Cheryl Maria Godfrey Memorial Fund
Childrens Development Center Endowment Fund
Christ Lutheran Church, Montgomery, Fund
Christ Lutheran Church, Montgomery, Scholarship Fund
Christina Casselberry Hayes Music Scholarship Fund
Chuck Yost Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cindy and Jim Bower Fund
City of Williamsport Sports Facilities Fund
Clarabelle S. and Otis F. Williams Jr. Scholarship Fund
Community Arts Center Designated Fund
Community Arts Center Endowment Fund
Community Fund for Sugar Valley
Concino Family Fund
Corey Richmond Memorial Scholarship Fund
Coudersport Area School District EITC Fund
Covid-19 United Community Fund for Columbia and Montour Counties
Covid-19 United Community Fund for Lycoming County
Covid-19 United Community Fund for Northumberland, Snyder and Union Counties
Covid-19 United Community Fund for Sullivan and Tioga Counties
Covid-19 United Community Regional Fund
Daniel Baszczewski Memorial Fund
Daniel C. Berninger Memorial Scholarship Fund
Daniel G. Fultz and Helen I. Fultz Scholarship Fund
Danville Area School District EITC Fund
Darling Valve & Manufacturing Co. Fund
David and Lyne Maneval Family Fund
David and Lyne Maneval Fund II
David Springman Donor Advised Fund
Deborah Ann Dickey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Debra A. Pellegrino, Ed.D. and Mary P. Mahaffey Fund for the United Way
Dietrick Lamade Fund
Distribution Fund Danville
Distribution Fund FCFP
Distribution Fund Southern Tier
Distribution Fund Union County
Distribution Fund Williamsport Lycoming
Donna E. Sayah Fund for the Lycoming County Historical Society
Doris Watts Poole (Class of 1957) Scholarship Fund
Douglas Dickey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Albert R. and Judith E. Styrcula Family Fund
Dr. Daniel R. and Martha M. Gandy Fund
Dr. John J. Zimmerman, Jr. Award for Excellence in Teaching Fund
Dr. June E. Baskin Visual Arts Fund
Dr. Marshall D. Welch, Jr. Fund
Dr. Randall F. Hipple Fund
Dr. Wayne F. Rose Scholarship Fund
Drew W. Getgen Administrative Endowment Fund
Drew W. Getgen Fund
E. Keeler Company Fund
Earl E. Mensch Fund
Earl G. and Meda E. Stroble Fund
East Lycoming School District EITC Fund
East Lycoming School District Endowment Fund
Edith Knight Fund
Edward D. Neff Fund
Edward J. Cillo, Jr. and Keith E. Cillo Fund
Edward, Ann and Noel Harrington Fund for Hope Enterprises
Edythe M. Tonkin Fund
Eleanor M. Wolfson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth C. Kackenmeister Fund
Elizabeth S. Metzger Fund
Elsie Skvir Ganister Foundation Fund
Emily W. Simpson Fund
Ernest J. Voelker Fund
Ethel M. DeWald Fund
Ethel P. Weinhart Administrative Endowment Fund
Ethel P. Weinhart Fund
Evelyn (Ault) Gehr and Stanly Gehr Memorial Scholarship Fund
Fairman R. Megahan Fund
Fannie Rachel Wood Brown Fund
Fath-Greene Animal Welfare Fund
FCFP Administrative Endowment Fund
FCFP Philanthropy Center Building Fund
FCFP Philanthropy Center Endowment Fund
FCFP Regional Scholarship Fund
First Focus Projects
Fort Cherry School District EITC Fund
Frances Piatt Frey Fund
Frederic T. Moore Fund I
Frederic T. Moore Fund II
Friends of Rider Park
Friends of the Foundation
Frost Family Donor Advised Fund
G. Evelyn Lewis Administrative Endowment Fund
G. Evelyn Lewis Fund
Galeton Area School District EITC Fund
Gary L. Brown Jr. Legacy Scholarship Fund
George A. & Shirley S. Durrwachter Fund
George R. Lamade Fund
Greater Lycoming Habitat for Humanity, Inc. Fund
Gretta and Barkley Ritzenthaler Fund
Grit Publishing Company Fund
Gus and Val Genetti Donor Advised Fund
Guy and Janet Temple Fund
H. James Zellers Memorial Scholarship Fund
H. Porter Rathmell Scholarship Fund
Harold W. and Grace L. Biehler Memorial Fund
Helen Claire Brinkman Fund
Helen Maxwell Fund
Helena K. Davis Fund
Henry and May Young Fund
Herbert M. Carson Fund
Herbert P. Haskin Memorial Fund
Historic Original Little League Preservation Designated Fund
Historic Original Little League Preservation Fund
Hope Enterprises, Inc. Fund
Hortense Sherman Fund
Howard J. and George R. Lamade Family Fund
Howard M. & Jane F. Thompson Scholarship Fund
Hudock Capital Group, LLC Corporate Advised Fund
Ida C. Mensch
International Development Corporation Fund
ISCALC International Scholarship Fund
J. Roman Way Fund FBO Way’s Garden
James “Jimmy” L. Bender IV Memorial Scholarship Fund
James and Betty Allen Family Fund
James B. Graham Fund
James E. and Rebecca E. Mauch Fund
Jane and Al Clapps Fund for the United Way
Jane Salansky-Onzik Scholarship Fund
Jean L. and James J. Barry Fund
Jean R. and Marvin H. Staiman Fund
Jeanette P. Heether Fund
Jennie Stackhouse Erdley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jersey Shore Area School District EITC Fund
Jersey Shore Area School District Endowment Fund
Jersey Shore High School Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund
Jessica L. Aikey Memorial Fund
Jody Lea Loudenslager Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jody Lea Loudenslager Scholarship Fund
Joel G. Garrison Fund
John A. Savoy Scholarship Fund
John and Helen Iddings Fund
John and Sarah Bruch Fund in Memory of Grandparents
John C. Lundy and Family Fund
John G. Sharp Memorial Scholarship Fund
John G. Snowden Fund
John J. and Eva G. Pellegrino Fund
John M. Lindemuth Fund
Jordan M. Bower Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joseph B. Gehret Sr. and Lillian M. Gehret Fund
Joseph R. Calder, Jr., MD Scholarship Fund
Judy K. Rupert Memorial Scholarship Fund
Julia D. Grimm Memorial Fund
Junior League of Williamsport Designated Fund
Junior League of Williamsport Endowment Fund
Kathy and Bob Walker Fund
Ken and Pat Ackerman Designated Fund for the Thomas Beaver Free Library
Kenneth and Marcia Johnson Scholarship Fund
Kenneth and Sandra Gardner Leadership Scholarship Fund
Keystone Central School District EITC Fund
Kidsburg Fund
Kimberly Marie Rogers Memorial Scholarship Fund
Konkle Memorial Library Fund
Kuzio Family Donor Advised Fund
L. L. Baumunk & Son, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Larissa Michele Uzupis Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lawrence E. Maroney Fund
Lewisburg Area School District EITC Fund
Lewisburg Arts Council Fund for the benefit of Music in the Park
Lewisburg Cemetery Association Fund
Lewisburg Children’s Museum Fund
Lillian E. Davis Fund
Lindig Lewisburg Foundation Fund
Lindsay M. Entz Memorial Scholarship Fund
Little League Fund for Youth Sports
Louis A. Wetzel Fund
Louise Goodman Fund for the Lycoming County United Way
Loyalsock Creek Men’s Club Fund
Loyalsock Creek Watershed Association Fund IMO Timothy Leach, Phil Kretchman and Gordon Wurster
Loyalsock Township School District EITC Fund
Loyalsock Township School District Endowment Fund
Lycoming County Disaster Relief Fund
Lycoming County United Way Centennial Endowment Fund
Lycoming County United Way Centennial Fund
Lycoming County United Way Designated Fund
Lycoming County United Way Endowment Fund
Lycoming County United Way Incentive Fund
Lycoming Economic Development Foundation Fund IMO Joseph L. Rider
Lycoming-Clinton MH/MR Fund
M. Lincoln Smith Fund
MacBride-Guattery Fund
Margaret and John Piper Fund for the Lycoming County United Way
Margaret E. Stolz Memorial Scholarship Fund
Margaret M. Megahan Administrative Endowment Fund
Margaret M. Megahan Unrestricted Fund
Margaret R. Brown Fund
Marian Jones Donaldson Scholarship Fund
Marion Mallinson and Marion Clinger Fisher Fund
Marion S. Martin Fund
Mark D’Angelo Memorial Scholarship Fund
Marshall L. Hough Fund
Mary G. Mosser Fund
Mary Jo and Donald L. Ritzenthaler Scholarship Fund
Mattie E. Clark Fund
Maurice and Mary Jo Bower Fund
May Heilman Spangle Fund
Merrill W. Linn Land & Waterways Conservancy Designated Fund
Merrill W. Linn Land & Waterways Conservancy Fund
Michael and Lori Kraft Fund
Michael J. Casale, Jr. & Connie Casale in honor of Michael J. Casale, Sr. & Mary B. Casale Fund
Michelle E. Bohlin Memorial Fund
Midd West School District EITC Fund
Mifflinburg Area School District EITC Fund
Mifflinburg Town Clock Fund
Mildred E. Kelly Scholarship Fund
Milton School District EITC Fund
Monica E. Cox Memorial Fund
Monica M. Weaver Memorial Scholarship Fund
Montgomery Area Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Montgomery Area School District EITC Fund
Montgomery Area School District Endowment Fund
Montoursville Area School District EITC Fund
Montoursville Area School District Endowment Fund
Montoursville High School Class of 1967 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Morton and Beatrice Harrison Scholarship Fund
Muncy Alumni Wrestling Scholarship Fund
Muncy Bank & Trust Company Community Foundation Fund
Muncy Bank and Trust Scholarship Fund
Muncy Historical Society and Museum of History Designated Fund
Muncy Historical Society and Museum of History Endowment Fund
Muncy Rotary Club Scholarship Fund
Muncy Scholars Award Fund
Muncy School District EITC Fund
Muncy School District Endowment Fund
Muncy Town and Forest Fund
Muncy Town and Forest Spend Down Fund
Murtland Family Fund
Myron H. McBride and Gertrude H. McBride Fund
Nolan W. Feeser Scholarship Fund
Norman S. Caldwell Family Fund
Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy Fund
Northeastern School District EITC Fund
Northern Potter School District EITC Fund
Northern Tioga School District EITC Fund
Olga Lehman Fund
Patton Family Scholarship Fund
Paul M. Neff Fund
Pearls with a Passion Fund
Penn State Cooperative Extension of Lycoming County Designated Fund
Penn State Cooperative Extension of Lycoming County Fund
Peter and Rosemarie DePasquale Fund
Pets in Crisis Fund
Plunketts Creek Township Foundation
PoetOwl Fund
Port Allegany School District EITC Fund
Preservation Mifflinburg, Inc. Fund
President’s Discretionary Fund
R. Edward and Linda Alberts Family Fund
R. H. Confair Family Fund
Raise the Region
Ralph and Josephine Smith Fund
Ralph B. and Eleonora K. Strawbridge Administrative Endowment Fund
Ralph B. and Eleonora K. Strawbridge Fund
Ralph R. Cranmer Administrative Endowment Fund
Ralph R. Cranmer Fund
Ray R. and Kay E. Harmon Scholarship
Raymond E. Venema Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Rebecca E. and James E. Mauch Fund
Red Raider Foundation Fund
Reverend Thomas P. Simmons Wilson and Ida G. Wilson Memorial Fund
Richard “Dick” Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Richard and Nancy Marsh Fund
Richard L. and Miriam Swan Mix Fund
Richard P. Lauchle Forestry Scholarship Fund
Rider Park Endowment Fund
River Valley Regional YMCA-Williamsport Branch Fund
River Valley Regional YMCA-Williamsport Branch Fund II
Rob Yannaccone Fund
Robert E. and Judy More Scholarship Fund
Robert E. Barbour Scholarship Fund
Robert L. & Joanne C. Aurand Family Fund
Robert L. Shangraw Fund
Robert L. Shangraw Memorial Fund for the Lycoming County United Way
Robert T. Golder Administrative Endowment Fund
Robert T. Golder Fund
Robert W. and Lucy E. Donehower Fund
Ronald McDonald House® Danville Family Fund
Roscoe M. and Edith M. Wolf Fund
Ruth D. Adams Fund
Ruth S. Askey Fund
Ryan D. Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund
SADD Friends of Students Against Destructive Decisions
Saint John Neumann Regional Academy Designated Fund
Saint John Neumann Regional Academy Fund
Sandy and Larry Nesbit Fund for Animals
Sandy and Larry Nesbit Fund for Information
Sara Jane Short Administrative Endowment Fund
Sara Jane Short Fund
Sayre School District EITC Fund
Selinsgrove Area School District EITC Fund
Shikellamy School District EITC Fund
Shirley Gray Rightmire Fund for the Community Arts Center
Shirley Gray Rightmire Scholarship Fund
South Williamsport Area School District EITC Fund
South Williamsport Area School District Endowment Fund
South Williamsport Borough Foundation
South Williamsport Borough Foundation Designated Fund
South Williamsport Fire Department Designated Fund
South Williamsport Fire Department Endowment Fund
Southern Tioga School District EITC Fund
St. Boniface/St. Mary’s Catholic School Fund
STEP Community Collaboration Pathway Endowment Fund
STEP Early Learning Pathway Endowment Fund
STEP Endowment Fund
STEP Housing Options Pathway Endowment Fund
STEP Independent Living Endowment Fund
STEP Workforce Development Pathway Endowment Fund
Stephen C., John W., and John C. Lundy Fund
Sullivan County School District EITC Fund
Susquehanna Greenway Partnership Fund
T. Newton Heilman Fund
Taylor J. Ertel Scholarship Fund for Foster Children
The Mathias Family Fund for Union County
The Zeus Fund
Thomas Beaver Free Library Fund
Thomas J. Rider Fund
Thomas L. Stearns Fund
Thomas Rider Royalty Fund for Lycoming County
Thomas Rider Royalty Fund for Susquehanna Health
Tim Lichter Memorial Scholarship Fund
Tis A Scholarship Fund
Tom Vargo Scholarship Fund
T-Ross Brothers Construction, Inc. Scholarship Fund
T-Ross Brothers Construction, Inc. Scholarship Fund II
Troy Area School District EITC Fund
Union County Community Fund
Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc. Endowment Fund
Van Buskirk-Rothrock Fund
Vinay Bahl Fund
Waldron Memorial Fund
Wallis Run United Methodist Church Fund
Walter J. Heim Fund
Warren E. “Whitey” Cole A.S.H.E. Scholarship Fund
Warrior Run School District EITC Fund
Washington School District EITC Fund
Way’s Garden Restoration Fund
Weatherill Family Fund
Wellsboro Area School District EITC Fund
Wendy Y. Wolfson Memorial Scholarship Fund
William A. Benton and Eudora McBride Benton Estate Fund
William C. Heilman Fund
William D. and Joyce E. Davis Family Fund
William D. and Joyce E. Davis Fund
William D. Crooks III Administrative Endowment Fund I
William D. Crooks III Fund II
William G. Ritter Fund
William H. Plummer Fund
William J. and Carol A. Metzger Endowment Fund
William J. and Laura H. Martin Fund
William R. Hyman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Williamsport Area School District EITC Fund
Williamsport Area School District Endowment Fund
Williamsport High School Class of 1970 Scholarship Fund
Williamsport Home Pillar Endowment Designated Fund
Williamsport Home Pillar Endowment Fund
Williamsport Knights Home Association Fund
Williamsport Lycoming Community Fund
Williamsport Lycoming Impact Fund
Williamsport Symphony Orchestra 2004-2005 Endowment Fund
Williamsport Symphony Orchestra Designated Fund
Williamsport-Lycoming Flags Across America Designated Fund
Willis C. Dice Fund
Young Industries, Inc. Employee Fund for the Boy Scouts of America, Susquehanna Council
Young Industries, Inc. Employee Fund for the Lycoming County United Way II
Young Industries, Inc., Employee Fund for the Lycoming County United Way
Young Industries, Inc., Employee Fund for the River Valley Regional YMCA
Young Industries, Inc., Employee Fund for the Williamsport Symphony Orchestra
YWCA Endowment Fund
Featured Funds:
Friends of the Foundation
Assists with operational costs and allows FCFP to continue vital initiatives throughout the region.
Friends of Rider Park
Supports the maintenance and improvement of Rider Park, one of our region’s great scenic and recreational treasures. Learn More.
Pearls with a Passion
Unites women across our region to impact lives forever through grantmaking and inspiring others to give. Learn More.
Gary L. Brown Jr. Legacy Scholarship
Created by his family, this fund will honor the legacy of Gary L. Brown Jr. and the impact he had on his hometown. Learn More.
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