The Williamsport Lycoming Competitive Grant Cycle considers requests from qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations serving the residents of the City of Williamsport and Lycoming County
Available to Grant
- $250,000
- No minimum or maximum request amount
Deadline and Notification
- New online application will be available by AUGUST 1
- Online application will be available for submission through OCTOBER 1
- Final funding notification will be made following the DECEMBER FCFP Board meeting
Who May Apply
- Nonprofit organizations that are qualified to receive tax-exempt contributions as defined by the IRS – in the vast majority of cases, applicants will be 501(c)(3) organizations, or a unit of local government as described in Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(3) status may work through another qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is willing to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor
Ineligible Requests
General Criteria for Reviewing Requests
The Century Fund for Human Services was established in 2016 as a result of a development campaign to celebrate FCFP’s 100th birthday.
The Fund will benefit nonprofits throughout north central Pennsylvania counties as represented through FCFP’s Regional Advisory Boards.
2025 Available to Grant
Program Focus
Deadline and Notification
- New online application will be available by AUGUST 1
- Online application will be available for submission through OCTOBER 1
- Final funding notification will be made after the DECEMBER FCFP Board meeting
Who May Apply
- Nonprofit organizations that are qualified to receive tax-exempt contributions as defined by the IRS
- In the vast majority of cases, applicants will be 501(c)(3) organizations, or a unit of local government as described in Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(3) status may work through another qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is willing to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor
- Religious organizations may only apply through a secular qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for community-wide programs/projects
- School districts and school district foundations may only apply if partnering with one or more other school districts
- Organizations that benefit the residents of Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder and/or Union County
Ineligible requests
- Annual campaigns
- Costs that were or will be incurred prior to the anticipated grant approval date
- Endowments
- General operating expenses such as salaries for current staff positions, rent, utilities, insurance
- Salaries for new staff may be considered
- Indirect costs: costs not directly related to carrying out the funded project
- Multi-year funding requests
- Operating or program deficits
- Re-granting, on a case-by-case basis
- Political advocacy that supports or promotes the interests of any one political party or candidate
- Loans, scholarships, fellowships, honorary awards
- Requests from individuals
General Criteria for Reviewing Requests
- Impact a broad range and diverse group of people
- Result in attainable and measurable goals
- Illustrate financial strength to ensure long-term self-sustainability, especially when seeking start-up or seed funding
- Show collaboration with other nonprofits without duplicating efforts
- Leverage or generate other funding sources and/or propose use of grant to attract matching funds
- Preference will be given to programs/projects that cross county lines
The Williamsport Lycoming Competitive Grant Program considers requests from qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations serving the residents of the City of Williamsport and Lycoming County, with missions relating to art & culture, education, health & human services, youth, environment, and economic development.
Available to Grant
- Up to $1.2 million
- Minimum request amount = $5,000. Maximum request amount = $250,000
Deadline and Notification
- Online application will be available for submission through APRIL 1
- Final funding notification will be made as follows:
- Requests $25,000 – $250,000 after the JUNE FCFP Board meeting
- Requests $5,000 – $24,999 after the SEPTEMBER FCFP Board meeting
Who May Apply
- Nonprofit organizations that are qualified to receive tax-exempt contributions as defined by the IRS – in the vast majority of cases, applicants will be 501(c)(3) organizations, or a unit of local government as described in Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(3) status may work through another qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is willing to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor
- Applicants must apply with a minimum request of $5,000 – maximum request of $250,000
- Applicants’ programs must benefit the residents of Lycoming County
Ineligible Requests
- Annual campaigns
- Costs that were or will be incurred prior to the anticipated grant approval date
- Endowments
- General operating expenses such as salaries for current staff positions, rent, utilities, insurance
- Salaries for new staff may be considered
- Indirect costs: costs not directly related to carrying out the funded project
- Multi-year funding requests
- Operating or program deficits
- Re-granting, on a case-by-case basis
- Religious organizations may only apply through a partnering secular qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
- School Districts and School District Foundations
- School Districts may apply if collaborating with one or more other Districts
- Political advocacy that supports or promotes the interests of any one political party or candidate
- Loans, scholarships, fellowships, honorary awards
- Requests from individuals
- Previous awardees with incomplete/open grants or outstanding final evaluations cannot apply
General Criteria for Reviewing Requests
- Impact a broad range and diverse group of people
- Address community needs and/or opportunities in innovative and creative ways
- Result in attainable and measurable goals
- Illustrate financial strength to ensure long-term self-sustainability, especially when seeking start-up or seed funding
- Show collaboration with other nonprofits without duplicating efforts
- Leverage or generate other funding sources and/or propose use of grant to attract matching funds
- Higher consideration will be given to organizations with DEI practices in place
In 1976, founder Margaret E. Waldron set forth provisions in her will for the establishment of a Trust “so that the community in which the Settlor lives shall be permanently benefited” – Muncy, Lycoming County.
Available to Grant
- $164,800
- No minimum or maximum request amount
Deadline and Notification
- Online application will be available for submission through MARCH 1
- Final funding notification will be made after the JUNE FCFP Board meeting
Who May Apply
- Nonprofit organizations that are qualified to receive tax-exempt contributions as defined by the IRS – in the vast majority of cases, applicants will be 501(c)(3) organizations, or a unit of local government as described in Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(3) status may work through another qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is willing to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor
- Nonprofit organizations with programs or projects that support the charitable, educational, religious or health care purposes of residents in and around the Borough of Muncy
Ineligible Requests
- Annual campaigns
- Costs that were or will be incurred prior to the anticipated grant approval date
- Endowments
- Loans, scholarships, fellowships, honorary awards, travel grants
- Multi-year funding, on a case-by-case basis
- Re-granting, on a case-by-case basis
- Requests from individuals
- Previous awardees with incomplete/open grants or outstanding final evaluations cannot apply
General Criteria for Reviewing Requests
- Impact a broad range and diverse group of people in the Muncy area
- Address community needs and/or opportunities in innovative and creative ways
- Result in attainable and measurable goals
- Illustrate financial strength to ensure long-term self-sustainability, especially when seeking start-up or seed funding
- Show collaboration with other nonprofits without duplicating efforts
- Leverage or generate other funding sources and/or propose use of grant to attract matching funds
The Plunketts Creek Township Foundation Fund was founded in 1944 to “promote and maintain a charitable and benevolent organization in Plunketts Creek Township to assist the needy and to foster the moral, educational, recreational and social interest of the people living in and adjacent to the said township.”
Available to Grant
- $13,800
- No minimum or maximum request amount, however the average grant award is $3,000
Deadline and Notification
- Online application will be available for submission through MARCH 1
- Final funding notification will be made after the JUNE FCFP board meeting
Who May Apply
- Nonprofit organizations that are qualified to receive tax-exempt contributions as defined by the IRS – in the vast majority of cases, applicants will be 501(c)(3) organizations, or a unit of local government as described in Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(3) status may work through another qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is willing to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor
- Nonprofit organizations with programs or projects that address the needs or opportunities that enhance the quality of life within and surrounding the Plunkett’s Creek area
Ineligible Requests
- Annual campaigns
- Costs that were or will be incurred prior to the anticipated grant approval date
- Endowments
- Loans, scholarships, fellowships, honorary awards, travel grants
- Requests from individuals
- Previous awardees with incomplete/open grants or outstanding final evaluations cannot apply
The Pearls with a Passion Fund was established at the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania in 2013. This women’s giving society brings together women from a variety of backgrounds with a common goal – to create powerful communities through passionate giving. Their enthusiasm, passion for our communities and financial resources will bring about change through grants to nonprofits organizations serving the residents of northcentral Pennsylvania.
Available to Grant
- $36,000
- Minimum request amount = $3,000. Maximum request amount = $10,000
2025 Program Goals
- Crisis intervention for children and youth from birth to 18 years old
Deadline and Notification
- Online application will be available for submission through MARCH 1
- Final funding notification to the approved nonprofits will be made in MAY
- Public announcement will be made at the May ”Discovering Pearls and Awards Reception” event (date TBA)
Who May Apply
- Nonprofit organizations that are qualified to receive tax-exempt contributions as defined by the IRS
- In the vast majority of cases, applicants will be 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, or a unit of government as described in section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(3) status may work through another qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is willing to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor
- Religious organizations may only apply through a secular qualified (501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for community-wide programs/projects
- School Districts and School District Foundations may only apply if collaborating with one or more other districts
- Nonprofits that benefit individuals that reside in Columbia, Lycoming, Northumberland, Tioga and/or Union County
Ineligible Requests
- Annual campaigns
- Costs that were or will be incurred prior to the anticipated grant approval date
- Endowments
- General operating expenses such as salaries for current staff positions, rent, utilities, office expenses/supplies
- Salaries for new staff for new programs or program enhancements may be considered
- Multi-year funding requests
- Operating or program deficits
- Re-granting, on a case-by-case basis
- Clubs, sports teams, or services limited to a select membership
- Loans, scholarships, fellowships, honorary awards, or travel grants
- Requests from individuals
- Previous awardees with incomplete/open grants or outstanding final evaluations cannot apply
General Criteria for Reviewing Requests
- Impact a broad range and diverse group of people in the services area(s)
- Address community needs and/or opportunities in innovative and creative ways
- Result in attainable and measurable goals
- Illustrate financial strength to ensure long-term self-sustainability, especially when seeking start-up or seed funding
- Show collaboration with other nonprofits without duplicating efforts
- Leverage or generate other funding sources and/or propose use of grant to attract matching funds
- Preference given to programs/projects that cross county lines
The Lycoming Foundation partnered with First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania to provide an economic development grant program for the benefit of Lycoming County. The Lycoming Foundation was established in 1955 for the sole purpose of promoting the economic, commercial, and industrial welfare of Lycoming County. This Fund will help stimulate a strong Lycoming County economy.
Program Goals
To provide community based economic development that enhances the quality of life for residents of Lycoming County. Requests may address one or more of the following:
- Job creation and/or retention
- Developing a skilled workforce with a focus on workforce development for low-income individuals
- Improved access to public infrastructure and facilities available for expansion of current business or attraction of new industry
- Environmentally sustainable approaches to promote business
- Revitalization of the community
- Promotion of tourism
Available to Grant
- $62,200
- No minimum or maximum request amount
Deadline and Notification
- New online application will be available by AUGUST 1
- Online application will be available for submission through OCTOBER 1
- Final funding notification will be made after the DECEMBER FCFP board meeting
Who May Apply
- Nonprofits organizations that are qualified to receive tax-exempt contributions as defined by the IRS – in the vast majority of cases, applicants will be 501(c)(3) organizations, or a unit of local government as described in Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(3) status may work through another qualified 501(c)(3) organization that is willing to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor
Ineligible Requests
- Annual campaigns
- Endowments
- Multi-year funding requests, on a case-by-case basis
- Operating or program deficits
- Requests from individuals
- Previous awardees with incomplete/open grants or outstanding final evaluations cannot apply
The Little League Fund for Youth Sports, created in 2016, benefits Lycoming County organizations that promote youth activity and healthy living through sports. Grants will support youth sports programs that serve children under the age of 16 or people with special needs.
Preference will be given to requests that help remove barriers inhibiting participation (such as participant fees, equipment, and travel costs) or enhance experiences for all participants (facility improvements, equipment, etc.).
Consideration may also be given for projects that would otherwise take from funds raised for direct participant support.
Available to Grant
- $6,200
- Minimum request amount = $500. Maximum request amount = $4,000
Deadline and Notification
- Online application will be available for submission through FEBRUARY 25
- Final funding notification will be made after the MARCH FCFP board meeting
Who May Apply
- Nonprofit organizations that are qualified to receive tax-exempt contributions as defined by the IRS – in the vast majority of cases, applicants will be 501(c)(3) organizations, or a unit of local government as described in Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(3) status may work through another qualified 501(c)(3) organization that is willing to serve as a Fiscal Sponsor
- Nonprofit organizations that have programs that promote youth activity and healthy living through sports for children under the age of 16 and people with special needs in Lycoming County
Ineligible Requests
- Costs that were or will be incurred prior to the anticipated grant approval date
- Operating or program deficits
- Re-granting, on a case-by-case basis
- Religious organizations may only apply through a secular qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for community-wide programs/project
- Loans, scholarships, fellowships, honorary awards
- Requests from individuals
- Public School Districts and private schools, along with their respective booster clubs and associations, are ineligible to apply
- Previous awardees with incomplete/open grants or outstanding final evaluations cannot apply