$1,124,600 Available to Grant in Response to COVID-19
The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania (FCFP), Charles B. Degenstein Foundation, Charles and Betty Degenstein Foundation, The 1994 Charles B. Degenstein Foundation (collectively the Degenstein Foundations) and the Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way have partnered to create the COVID-19 Common Application.
“During these unprecedented times, it is imperative that community and private funders collaborate,” said Jennifer D. Wilson, FCFP President & CEO. “In addition to creating a simplified process for nonprofits, the initiative will increase communication among key funders to ensure widespread community support.” The COVID-19 Common Application will be used to grant a collective total of $1,124,600 in north central Pennsylvania as follows:
- Degenstein Foundations: $500,000
- First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania: $524,600
- Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way: $100,000
While the funders are using the same application and will coordinate funding as to avoid duplication of service, each funder will have the final authority to grant as determined by their board of directors. Funders will maintain independent grant agreements with successful recipients.
“We are pleased to be part of the collaborative efforts to assist local non-profit organizations during this crisis. As essential community partners, our local non-profit organizations and their volunteers are the heart and soul of the community’s response to the needs of our neighbors. It is our intent to help ensure that these organizations have the sustainability to continue to serve our local communities well into the future,” reflected Brianna Apfelbaum Kula and Benjamin Apfelbaum, Co-Trustees of the 1994 Charles B. Degenstein Foundation.
Nonprofits applying for funding must be a public agency, a current 501(c)(3) or a fiscal sponsor with this designation. Additionally, applicants must serve residents of Bradford, Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga or Union Counties. Grant requests can range from $5,000 to $50,000. Larger grants will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All funders have an interest in assisting nonprofits and the people they serve with a focus on:
- Supporting the most vulnerable in our communities
- Ensuring residents have access to basic needs such as housing, food, education, safety, healthcare and transportation
- Helping displaced workers and disruptions to the economy
- Supporting nonprofit funding streams impacted by loss of income
- Supporting nonprofits in need of funding for new initiatives as a result of COVID-19
This collaboration is intended to help the community in the most streamlined way possible. Our goal is to ensure continuity, not just for our non-profits, but also for people in our community who access these important community assets and resources.
Joanne Troutman, President/CEO of the Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way
Grant requests will be accepted through July 29, 2020 by Noon. The funding partners will have the opportunity to review all applications and grantee organizations may receive funding from multiple sources. Specific areas of interest, geographic restriction details, funding allocations and access to the online application